For the families that have a regular home visitor, they’ll tell you it’s about the relationship. Parents say they feel seen and heard. Many say their home visitor becomes part of the family.
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At First 5 Mendocino we provide direct family support, offering parenting classes, resiliency workshops, and so much more!
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Mendocino Coast Clinics welcomes everyone; you're invited to come in and see for yourself! In the meantime, check out these great resources on their website!
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Home visiting programs can help anyone. But for families that come from far away, connection and support are fundamental. Programas de visitas domiciliares pueden ayudar a cualquier persona. Para familias quienes vienen de lejos a los estados unidos, la conexión y el apoyo son fundamentales.
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The more I learn about home visiting, the more impressed I am. And the more I want to share with you. Because as parents, couldn’t we all use a little more support? Cuanto mas aprendo sobre las visitas domiciliares, mas impresionado estoy, y quiero compartirlo con ustedes. ¿Como padres, no podríamos todos usar un poco de apoyo?
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