In honor of US Breastfeeding Month +, we are kicking the month off with a Breast Start Virtual Circle on Friday August 2nd at 11am.   If you are breastfeeding*, you are welcome to join. We’ll talk about milk making and learn about the places to go for help throughout the county. I know it’s not easy getting out with a baby. If you don’t live close to a group, it can feel impossible. The theme for World Breastfeeding Week is Closing the gap: Breastfeeding support for all. One of the challenges we have is getting to supports. So, to help close the gap and make it easier for more, if not quite all, to get support, we’re hosting this circle virtually. I started going to a breastfeeding group’s meeting, years back. It wasn’t always easy to get there, but I found it super helpful. I learned about other people’s experiences 
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We are thrilled to announce the incredible success of the State of the Child Summit, which took place on March 6 and 7 at the Ukiah Valley Conference Center. The summit brought together nearly 150 professionals, representing 42 different agencies, serving Mendocino County families to hear from renowned experts and speakers, including Tina Payne Bryson, PhD, MaryCatherine McDonald, PhD, Georgie Wisen-Vincent, and Gaelin Elmore, to address critical issues related to children's mental health and well-being.
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On March 6 and 7, First 5 Mendocino will host its annual two-day children's mental health summit, State of the Child, at the Ukiah Valley Conference Center, 200 S. School Street. The free event provides an opportunity for Mendocino County professionals who work with foster youth, foster parents, child caregivers, and community members to engage with nationally recognized and local presenters to gain valuable insights into children's mental health, trauma-informed care, and strategies for promoting resilience in children and youth.
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January is Positive Parenting Awareness Month, a time to focus on educating parents and the organizations that support them about the vital practices, programs, and services that contribute to the well-being of families and children in our community – this is the work of First 5 Mendocino.
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Learning about the brain's response to stress has helped me understand my own nervous system, how to track my body's responses to emotions, and helped me learn tools to use when life gets overwhelming. I wish these were tools I'd known about sooner, which has made me reflect on why teaching nervous system regulation to children earlier in life can be beneficial.
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