Baby & Child Mental Health
Parents choose how much help they need, from one-time seminars and brief one-on-one sessions with a practitioner to more intensive group courses and longer-term individual support. Triple P can help with parenting questions big and small—you get to decide which level of support works best for you.
Group Triple P is a great opportunity to meet other parents in similar situations – other parents who’ll support you and share stories with you.
From the start, you’ll be given tips and suggestions to suit the needs of your family. You’ll see scenes from the Every Parent’s Survival Guide DVD, which will show you how the ideas work in real life. And your workbook will give you the tools and information you need to start positive parenting straight away at home. Your Triple P provider will guide you every step of the way and even provide backup phone support as you put your new skills into practice.
Other parents don’t seem to have it as tough as you. Your child constantly misbehaves. Your family life is full of anger and tears. There’s probably a lot of shouting and your child may even be aggressive – perhaps hitting you, the furniture, or his or her brothers and sisters. In fact, every day – from breakfast to bedtime – is a battle.
If this sounds familiar, then Group Triple P can help. Group Triple P gives you support to help you manage your child’s behavior and prevent the kinds of problems that make your family life stressful.
You want to create the happiest home life you can. You may have a few concerns about your child’s behavior – perhaps there’s disobedience or you simply want to find out how to set up better routines for mealtimes or bedtimes. Whatever it is, you’re very keen to learn more about positive parenting and how you can apply it to your family. If you’re ready for a more in-depth look at the parenting strategies that really can work, Group Triple P is ideal.
There are about 6-12 parents in a group session. Usually, each session lasts no more than two hours. In all, you’ll attend no more than five group sessions – the first four should give you the tips you need to start positive parenting.
Then, you’ll have three weeks to practice Triple P at home. Your Triple P provider will call you every week at a set time to find out how you’re doing and offer advice if you’re having any trouble. Those calls will last about 15 minutes.
Finally, you’ll meet up with your group and Triple P provider for one last session. This is a chance to go over any problems you may still have – and to congratulate yourself on how far you’ve come!
Family Transitions Triple P assists parents who need extra support to adjust and manage the transition from a two-parent family to a single-parent family or different family dynamic. It focuses on skills to resolve conflicts with former partners and how to cope positively with stress.
Parents who are divorced or separated (with children and/or teenagers) and/or families going through major life transitions such as losing a job or moving across the country.
At Family Transitions sessions, you meet other parents going through many of the problems that come with divorce or separation. Your Family Transitions Triple P provider will give you new ideas, techniques, and strategies to help you through the day-to-day dramas and ongoing trauma of your situation. These ideas can help you cope with stress, anger, and change, resolve conflict, and communicate better with your ex. The sessions will also provide ways of coping with extreme emotions, mediation techniques, and ways of lowering conflict.
Throughout the sessions, you’ll also watch the Family Transitions DVD, which shows how other parents have used the ideas to help their families. And you’ll also receive the Family Transitions Workbook to support you as you put your new ideas into practice.
There are five weekly sessions of two hours each. After the five sessions, it’s recommended you also do a Group or Standard Triple P program. This will give you a broader range of positive parenting ideas that can help you calmly manage other behavior and parenting issues in the home. When you’re finished, you’ll feel confident you’re doing everything you can for your child.
No. Family Transitions is not a mediation program so you attend on your own or, if you want support, with your new partner. If your ex-partner wants to do Family Transitions, you must attend separate groups.
Lifestyle Triple P is a group program to support parents of overweight children aged 5–10+ years. It gives you the tips and tools you need to promote healthier family eating and to encourage your kids to be more active.
Lifestyle Triple P isn’t a set of rules. It’s a range of strategies that allows you to provide good choices for your children. It helps you understand the health risks your children face every day. It gives you alternatives that help promote your child’s health and self-esteem. And it gives you ways to manage your child’s activities and food choices without stress and arguments.
Parents of children 5–10+ years who may:
Group Lifestyle Triple P brings together small groups of parents – usually no more than 10 or 12. In relaxed, fun sessions, your Lifestyle Triple P provider will give you ideas to encourage the behavior and eating habits you would like to see more of. You’ll watch videos, join group discussions and practice how you may handle tricky situations with your child. You’ll also be given a workbook to remind you of your new plans and strategies and help you keep track of the changes you’re making. You’ll also get a recipe booklet and activities games booklet.
Usually, there are ten group sessions held over about three months. These sessions take about 90 minutes each. There are also four telephone sessions of about 15–30 minutes. Your Triple P provider will arrange to call you at a suitable time to offer advice and encouragement.
Children don’t attend all Lifestyle Triple P sessions. They come only to the first and last of the weekly sessions, simply to monitor their progress.
Triple P Seminars are for groups of parents – ranging from 5-20. They’re informal presentations, a little like a public forum.
There are three seminars in the Triple P Seminar Series. You can choose to do one – or all – of them. They deal with the most common parenting issues we all face.
The topics are:
Most of the time, parenting is great fun. You know you are doing a good job. But there are times when things get a little tricky.
Like when your toddler won’t eat her dinner. Or your six-year-old won’t pick up his toys. Maybe your child never seems to listen. If only someone could give you some ideas to make those times easier!
If this sounds like you, then Triple P Seminars may suit.
Parents of children birth to 12 years old and up.
The seminars last around 90 minutes. There is time at the end for your questions, but you won’t have to speak up if you don’t want to. It’s your choice. There’s also no homework and no follow-up. It is designed to be a brief introduction to the Triple P strategies. But you will definitely get some great ideas to take home and try out with your family!
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