Prepare for Birth, Baby, and Beyond: Part 2
Adventist Health Ukiah Valley 275 Hospital Drive, UkiahThis free in person birth class is open to all- wherever you plan to give birth. Part 2 Thursday,April 17th from 6pm- 8:30pm Continue learning about birth with topics like when to leave for your planned birth place, what to expect, medical comfort measures - like epidurals- and other interventions you may be offered. When you know your options, you have them! Thursday, April 24th from 6pm- 8:30pm Focus on parenting your newborn and postpartum self care in the Main Conference Room, near the Cafeteria We'll talk about the: Golden Hour after birth Baby care and medical care Breastfeeding and lactation Taking care of yourself and your postpartum care. Supports for new parents like home visiting, postpartum doulas, and lactation consultants. Next series will be offered in April. Through this series, we'll cover a wide range of topics including pregnancy, childbirth, and what to expect during the early stages …